At least, that's what I'm trying to tell myself. Just shut up and write! I have had a couple of good writing days since my last post, but only a couple. More often, I sit down to write and start to question everything. It usually goes like this: is that the right direction for this story? Is it any good? Maybe I'm just kidding myself and I am meant to only be a reader. You see, mean. Shut up, right?
I am capable of writing a novel. I have written novels in the past. I do have good ideas that make good stories. The first draft does not have to be perfect. I can do this. These are the things I should be telling myself, what I will start telling myself. And hopefully, the mean little voice will go away.
My advice to myself is this: Writing is what you love, so let the characters take you on this journey and enjoy the ride. Stop worrying about doing it wrong. Remember that art is subjective.
Just write.