Friday, May 14, 2010


I've recently discovered a new author and wanted to share her with you all. Her name is Maggie Stiefvater. She writes YA, she is a musician, and an artist. Her new book LINGER comes out July 20th, 2010 and I am impatiently waiting. LINGER is book two in the Wolves of Mercy Falls Series, a love story between a girl and a boy (who happens to turn into a wolf during the winter). Book one is SHIVER, so make sure you read this one first. I read SHIVER fairly quickly, unable to put it down. I don't want to give too much away, cause I really hate spoilers, so that's all the details I'm going to reveal. Go read the book! Here is a link to the beautiful trailer that Maggie created for the release of LINGER. Yep, created, as in cut out all the shapes, shot the photos to create stop motion animation, and wrote and recorded the music. She is truly amazing and super talented.